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Quarantine Crafting with The House That Lars Built


So you're stuck in the house. If you're anything like me you've poured yourself one too many glasses of wine, rearranged your furniture one too many times and have found yourself scraping at bottom of the barrel Netflix shows. More than a few times now I've found myself wondering what the heck we used to do as kids to keep ourselves entertained. I've even wished I was still in school just so I'd have homework to do. After grad school, that's how you know it's bad.

That's when it hit me. Duh - crafts. We had a whole closet growing up as a kid dedicated to crafting supplies (hot glue guns, crepe paper, styrofoam balls, enough colored pencils/markers/crayons to supply a small elementary school, you get the picture.) So what better time to dig into the ol' creativity vault and do a little arts + crafting.

One of my FAVORITE artsy Instagram accounts/ blogs is The House That Lars Built. Funky + colorful, it's a great resource for all your creative outlet needs. (I also need to mention that there's a collaborating book club and coloring pages if reading or drawing is more up your alley for your shelter-in-place days.)

After last year's tragic attempt at making an easter wreath (note to self, plastic eggs will not hold construction paper and Elmer's glue, what were you thinking), I was excited to give this ready-made, fool-proof kit a try. My mom's favorite holiday is Easter and since, for obvious reasons, we couldn't celebrate our normal way this year, I decided to liven up her house with this colorful display of SPRING. I ended up buying this kit, but now that the holiday has passed, you can find plenty of other DIY activities on the website, many using things you can find around house (which, let's face it, is the most realistic option without craft stores open).

For example, check out these DIY projects using recycled egg cartons.

Although I was told my package could experience delays, I was pleasantly surprised when it showed up on my doorstep within 5 days, fully equipped with the perfect amount of every supply needed to make the most beautiful wreath. Gold star number 1.

I'm always a bit skeptical when ordering things as "kits" - there's no easy way to get additional materials if needed. Although a few times along the way I wondered if I would have enough tape/paper to finish wrapping the eggs and wire, it was ALWAYS the perfect amount. Kudos to you, House that Lars Built! Gold star number 2.

AND, as if a perfectly assembled kit wasn't enough, the project came with a step-by-step digital how-to guide (shown above). Just download on your tablet or iPad! This added touch made my job a lot easier, and for these reason, I'm already planning my next purchase. Hint: they make great gift ideas, fully-assembled or not! Gold star number 3.

All in all, the wreath took me about 3 days to finish. Granted, I'll admit I'm still working full time and have a few other projects up my sleeve that are keeping me busy, but a project similar to this is sure to keep the kiddos out of your hair for a decent amount of time, if that's what you're looking for (and let's be real, I've seen the cries for help from some of my mom friends on Facebook). Some minor crafting tools might be needed outside of what's included (ie. hot glue gun, scissors, the basics), but with plenty of activities to choose from, you can pick what works best for you.

The final result:

I'm just an everyday Martha Stewart, if I do say so myself 😏

What quarantine crafts have you found to work on? Let me know in the comments below! xx

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