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A Journey to Trius Winery Estate in Canadian Wine Country


What would my life be if I wasn't incessantly jumping in the car to drive excessive distances for something I had seen on Instagram? I might be a little bit crazy, but truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way. This definitely isn't my first rodeo - a couple years back my friend Andrea and I drove to Boston for a day to, and I quote, "see the sights." The year before that was my "will travel to Philly for donuts" excursion with Hal Metz. This time Trius Winery & Restaurant was the destination of choice. Conveniently located right across the US border is.... Canadian wine country??? Who knew such a thing existed. Napa Valley & the Finger Lakes are the extent of my wine country knowledge as far as North America is concerned. But apparently I am just severely out of the loop, judging by the sheer mass of Canadians stepping off tour buses when we arrived. Oh, and that's the other thing, apparently Canadians also feel no cold. If we were to play a game of 'spot the Americans' it'd be pretty easy to tell us apart since we were the only two shivering in heavy winter jackets while everyone else was laughing and lounging in near-freezing temps.

Okay, Canada. Okay.

Okay, now the details. Trius offers a number of different tours of their property, each tailored to different audiences and held at different times of the day. We opted for the Trius Tour (also known as the white girl tour), an hour long trip through the winery explaining the process behind making Trius Brut, Trius Rose, Trius Brut Rose, & Trius Red, and offering a plethora of photo opps. Yes, you get to sample each wine. Yes, you get a complimentary wine glass. And yes, it's so worth it.

We were first led into the bubbly tunnel, where were put to the test smelling various different aromas of flavors that are incorporated into the Trius Brut. While I wafted and pondered and pretended to know what the hell I was talking about (you'd think for the amount of wine I drink I'd know something by now), our tour guide (the cutest man I have ever met) prepared a presentation of our first sample.

On to the red room.

Fun fact: in 1995 Trius Red was voted the best red wine in the world. You better believe I took a bottle home of that baby. It definitely lived up to the hype.

What is wine without rosé? Next up on the tour was the rosé tower. High above the vineyard, we were introduced to paradise. Hot pink flower walls, pink furniture and pink decor surrounded us for what I thought surely had to be heaven. If you can't already imagine, this stop caused quite the photo shoot for our entire group - I'm talking guys and girls alike. Watching the grown men in our group pose for photos under the neon pink sign was fairly entertaining to say the least.

Last but not least, the room that inspired the entire trip. It's hard to resist a bubble tub installed specially for photos... so I didn't. Here we tasted the Trius Brut Rose, with a bit of "candyfloss" to top it all off. (I had to Google why Canadians call cotton candy, candy floss. Turns out most of the world does, too. Just like the metric system, we're the odd man out. Learnin' something new every day.)

Nestled cozily alongside Wayne Gretzky Estates, Trius Winery, and Canadian wine country in general, turned out to be so much more than I imagined. I'll definitely be back again in the summer months to take advantage of all it has to offer... just as soon as I work up enough courage to cross the border again (Border Patrol agents are intimidating as heck I tell ya).

Where in the world are you favorite vineyards? Drop me a line and I'll check them out next!

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