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Labor Day Weekend in CNY: A Guide on How To Get Fat Fast


If you’re anything like me, you love to eat. It’s just as plain and simple as that. You’d think my body would chose anything else as a hobby, given my metabolism and you know, genetics, but apparently not. Thankfully, I had a quick trip home this weekend to help guide me on my road to a heart attack- as one of my close friends proudly likes to say, she went from 10k to couch, and I have a feeling I’m headed in a similar direction.

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One of the best/worst things about Syracuse is the NYS Fair. And it is also one of the best/worst things that I just so happen to live a short 20 minutes away from the fairgrounds. Great in that I can drive over in a blink of an eye and go on multiple days, but not so great that I can drive over in a blink of an eye and go on multiple days. Are you catching my drift yet? The quantity/quality/variety of sickening food that resides at the fair is out of this world, and each year I’m amazed by just how lacking I am in the self-control department. This year’s fan (and by fan I mean my) favorites include the following:

Buff Chick Mac n’ Cheese

(Photo cred courtesy of A Bush)

Pretty self explanatory. And delicious.

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Deep Fried Oreos

Every Celiac’s dream (PSA: I died)

Heid’s Hotdog (w/ all the condiments)

A CNY classic.

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Wine Slushies

Pretty & pink (and delicious)

Fresh Squeezed Lemonade

Because a little sugar rush never hurt no one.

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Because a little sugar rush never hurt no one.

…and saved the best for last …

PIZZA FRITE!!! (aka fried dough, but better)

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I don’t even know how to  explain this to anyone who hasn’t tried it. Warm, doughy goodness in a bag. Doused in granulated sugar. God knows how many calories.

Now if you’re looking for a way to wash all that grease down, I would highly recommend taking a trip just south of the city to one of my favorite places, Beak & Skiff Apple Orchard. Load up on a bag or two of your favorite variety (Paula Red and Granny Smith are in season right now), and remind yourself that an apple dumpling is, in fact, a healthy meal choice.

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away, amirite?

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What are some of your favorite fair/fall foods? Drop me a line and I promise to look into them all 😉

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