If you’re anything like me, you love to eat. It’s just as plain and simple as that. You’d think my body would chose anything else as a hobby, given my metabolism and you know, genetics, but apparently not. Thankfully, I had a quick trip home this weekend to help guide me on my road to a heart attack- as one of my close friends proudly likes to say, she went from 10k to couch, and I have a feeling I’m headed in a similar direction.

One of the best/worst things about Syracuse is the NYS Fair. And it is also one of the best/worst things that I just so happen to live a short 20 minutes away from the fairgrounds. Great in that I can drive over in a blink of an eye and go on multiple days, but not so great that I can drive over in a blink of an eye and go on multiple days. Are you catching my drift yet? The quantity/quality/variety of sickening food that resides at the fair is out of this world, and each year I’m amazed by just how lacking I am in the self-control department. This year’s fan (and by fan I mean my) favorites include the following:
Buff Chick Mac n’ Cheese
(Photo cred courtesy of A Bush)
Pretty self explanatory. And delicious.

Deep Fried Oreos
Every Celiac’s dream (PSA: I died)
Heid’s Hotdog (w/ all the condiments)
A CNY classic.

Wine Slushies
Pretty & pink (and delicious)

Fresh Squeezed Lemonade
Because a little sugar rush never hurt no one.

Because a little sugar rush never hurt no one.
…and saved the best for last …
PIZZA FRITE!!! (aka fried dough, but better)

I don’t even know how to explain this to anyone who hasn’t tried it. Warm, doughy goodness in a bag. Doused in granulated sugar. God knows how many calories.
Now if you’re looking for a way to wash all that grease down, I would highly recommend taking a trip just south of the city to one of my favorite places, Beak & Skiff Apple Orchard. Load up on a bag or two of your favorite variety (Paula Red and Granny Smith are in season right now), and remind yourself that an apple dumpling is, in fact, a healthy meal choice.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, amirite?

What are some of your favorite fair/fall foods? Drop me a line and I promise to look into them all 😉