This is it, people. The time has finally come. It is October and it is prime fall activity season!!! So break out your neutral colored sweaters and vests, take a sip of that pumpkin spice latte and channel every basic bone in your body. It’s time to hop on the bandhaywagon and start doing some fall activities (if you haven’t already, let’s be real, some of us might have gotten a bit of a jumpstart). If you live in the Upstate New York area especially, there’s a million venues to check out- below being my top 5:
Apple Picking at Beak & Skiff
The #1 orchard in the country two years and counting. Growing up just minutes from this apple empire, I’ve watched Beak & Skiff grow bigger and bigger every year. Pick apples of your own or choose from the selection at the Apple Barn. Taste 1911 hard ciders and wines, grab a snack at the cafe or choose from dumplings, fritters, candy apples and more! A whole day of gluttony awaits you.
Have a favorite type of apple? Check out the picking schedule here and plan your visit accordingly!
For extra fun, try the newest addition to the alcoholic menu- the Tipsy Cow! A spiked milkshake made from Byrne Dairy chocolate milk, Recess Coffee & of course, 1911 Cold Brew Coffee Vodka. A small business masterpiece.
Pumpkin Picking @ Springside Farm or The Pumpkin Hollow
No fall is complete without pumpkins. Whether you choose to carve them, paint them, mush them into your latte or bake them into your pies, they’re a must have. Pumpkin Hollow and Springside Farm are two other great places to spend a day with family and friends. Offering rides and games for kids, apple fritters, a petting zoo, corn mazes, small gift shop and an array of colored pumpkins and gourds, there’s fun for everyone!

This year I decided to try something a little different with my pumpkins. Thanks to Pinterest and Instagram for a lil inspiration, I wound up with the two masterpieces below. As it turns out, the crayon pumpkin idea looks a lot easier than it actually is- I highly recommend wearing old clothes, laying down newspaper and using a heat gun/high powered hairdryer of some kind as your regular Conair just isn’t gonna cut it.
(Click here for the DIY crayon dip pumpkin how-to)
Fall Foliage Viewing at Green Lakes State Park
All of the beauty and none of the summer crowds. Or parking fees. My obsession with Green Lakes still holds true. On a really beautiful, sunny day, make sure to check out the smaller Round Laker, located at the very back of the lake trail.
Hiking at Labrador Hollow Overlook
With views like this, how can you refuse? Personally, I’ve never been outside of summer months, but I can only imagine what this must look like with the trees ablaze in their beautiful red, orange and yellows. This weekend is looking like the perfect weekend to tie those sneakers one more time and get outside! ~winter is coming~

Getting Scared Shitless at Fright Nights
I don’t know why I do things like this to myself. I have such a love-hate relationship with horror. Especialllly when theres clowns involved, and you can always count on the creepy clowns making their appearance at Fright Night. If you’re like me and love torturing yourself for the sake of the holiday, you’ll definitely want to check out the five haunted houses and haunted hayride offered at the NYS Fairgrounds, which converts into every spooky lover’s dream this time of year. Open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night in October from 7 p.m.- 12 a.m!
Need directions?
Use the map below to get to any one of the places above!
#newyorkstate #upstateny #newyorkfall #fallactivities #lifestyleblog #october #cny #pumpkinpicking #pumpkindiy #applepicking #spooky