Summer is back and once again the lack of acai in Syracuse has me searching for something to satisfy my sweet tooth and quench my thirst when I come home dehydrated and cranky from the gym. My workout routine has become progressively better and better, but my eating habits are still, honestly, borderline repulsive, so I decided to take a trip to the store today to see what I could find to fix this. I had heard of dragon fruit before, but never given it a try, and decided to make some fun summery treats with my new popsicle molds. You can find both the molds ( Zoku brand) and the Pitaya (dragon fruit) smoothie packs at Wegmans, near the frozen fruit aisle. Boy, I sure am going to miss you in ‘bama, Wegs.
Side note: Although I made the popsicles with dragon fruit, it’s super easy to make them with just about any smoothie mix of your choosing. Try this simple acai recipe here. Simply substitute out the granola, and instead of turning the mixture into a bowl, just pour into your molds and stick in the freezer for several hours!
Back to the pitaya pops. All you’ll need for this recipe is 2 packs of pitaya smoothie mix (4 come to a bag), one banana to thicken the mix (other recipes use mango, which also sounds delicious), and a half a cup of orange juice.
Pour all your ingredients into a blender, mix until smooth, and pour into your popsicle molds (be careful when pouring, pitaya stains!!)
The above ingredients were just enough for me to fill all six molds perfectly! Freeze for 4-5 hours and voila, you’ve got yourself a healthy snack. Just in time to enjoy on this beautiful, 55 degree CNY Memorial Day weekend! LOL.
