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Home Office Upgrade with Ledetech


We are officially headed into year 3 of work from home. Granted, my WFH journey started well before Covid, so at least I had time to prepare, which is more than most of the population can say. But working from... well literally, your home... has been an adjustment. One that I, for the most part, can say I wholeheartedly love. About 95% of me can never imagine going back to a typical 9-5 office space.

Being able to roll out of bed 10 minutes before your day starts? Check.

Going for a quick lunchtime walk? Yes, please.

Not having to sit in uncomfortable "work clothes" all day? You bet. (Plus, we need to talk about this more, who ever decided that being the most productive entailed wearing scratchy, tight-fitting clothes?)

But all of these perks have undoubtably come with some drawbacks, as well. Over the past two years specifically, my personal life and work life have began to mold together in a way I don't entirely love. It's been a process to try to begin to put up walls and boundaries again. Honestly - I blame WFH for part of the reason this blog hasn't gotten any love in nearly 8 months 🥴

One of my favorite things about the WFH life however has been being able to put together my dream office space. After coming off my most recent office job that had me trapped in the confines of a windowless, moldy, musty... CLOSET (for lack of a much better word - my OG coworkers will know), being able to see SUNLIGHT during the work day and not breathe in literal toxins has been a godsend.

Piece by piece over the three years I've put together a space that is not only aesthetic, but productive to my day to day needs. With a little investment and some rearranging, I finally have put together a space that just... works. And I wanted to share that with y'all!

Floating Shelves Trio: With my new design business, I've been getting into TikTok more than ever. I know, I know, I held out for so long, but when you can't beat them (and by them I mean the ever-changing algorithms), you have to join them. With that being said, having an aesthetic backdrop was essential, and within the confines of living in an apartment complex - some shelving and decor was about as far as it could go. When I finally move into our first home you already know my office is going to be wallpapered to the 9s 😎

Adjustable standing desk: This was one of my first investments in the new home office. For years I've been reading about the damage sitting all day does to your health, and actually it was my chronic stomach pain that prompted this purchase. Being able to stand or sit at any given time of the day has been a game-changer. I had tried a few standing desk attachments (you know, those big ugly things you put on top of your desk and have to manually move up and down), but when I found Flexispot's adjustable desk, I was sold. With the push of a button discreetly placed under the desk, the ENTIRE DESK moves up and down on an electric track. You can even set your "favorites" (similar to a car seat), so with one push of the button the desk goes to the exact position for your height.

Ledetech ipad stand: Now we get to the fun stuff! I've been working with Ledetech for a little under a year now - a company focused on adding productivity + organization to the work from home guy/gal. One of my favorite products I've had the opportunity to test our is their ipad holder. Let me tell you - what a game changer. I've never wanted a second monitor, but during my 9-5 my screen can get awfully cramped with 20 tabs open, Photoshop up and Spotify blasting in the background. Ledetech has saved my butt by allowing me to move my music (or let's face it, some days, Netflix) to a second screen. It also helps keep me organized. Lately what's on Spotify? Coastal Grandmother vibes allll day long - iykyk.

Candle: A gift from my cousin when I first moved to NC - I LOVE this candle. Everyone who knows me knows I can't sit still, I've always moving, traveling, etc. But come summer + fall, there's no place I'd rather be than Upstate NY. Now I can have a reminder of home no matter what time of year.

Iris Goddess Statue: If I'm going to a home office to grow my small business, you better believe I'm supporting another woman-owned small business in doing so. Janet Gwen is an aesthetic ICON located in Charlotte, NC and offers a variety of tech accessories, home goods + apparel. She says her brand "elevates the essentials" and I just absolutely love that.

What home office essentials should I add next? Thinking some new plant babies + an espresso machine may be in the making... Let me know! xx

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